Õpetaja 2023/24

Who is the package intended for?

Intended for users with a teacher role, i.e. school teachers who are interested in using Opiq digital textbooks in teaching.

If the school orders licenses for all pupils, we will offer free licenses to all teachers. If the order is smaller, we offer one free teacher license per each class set (25 students). To gain free teacher access, the school administrator must add the desired number of free licenses in the ordering environment when ordering student packages.

The package also includes all of the Foxcademy learning environment learning materials that can be used in the Foxcademy environment.

What do I have to do to use it?

To use Opiq as a teacher, school has to create you an Opiq account with the teacher role. The school must have an Opiq account.

To use the learning content with pupils, a teacher's license is required.

The license can be obtained in two ways:

  1. The school buys and allocates the license to you. License is ordered and added to the teacher by the school administrator.
  2. You can buy a license yourself. To buy the license yourself, first log in to Opiq using the teacher role.

After logging in as a teacher either:

  • click on your name, select "My orders" from the menu and click "Place an order" button or
  • start ordering the license from this page.

Note! You cannot order a license through the app.

School Does Not Use Opiq

If the school does not use Opiq, it can be used as a private user.

To do this, you need to create a private user role and purchase a private user license.

Note! The private user license cannot be linked to courses and the teacher cannot send assignments to pupils.

Which kits are included in the package?

The package includes a 417 basic school and secondary school kits from Avita, Koolibri, Künnimees, Skriibus and JA Eesti. All kits are in accordance with the national curriculum.

Foxcademy study materials can be accessed on Foxcademy learning platform.

How much does the license cost?

€9.90 per month

Package info
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