Talk to your partner. Ask the questions below. Switch roles.
- What was the last film you saw at the cinema? What was it about?
- What kinds of films do you like/dislike? Why?
- How often do you go to the theatre?
- Which is better – cinema or theatre? Why?

- cinema – kino
- cinema (BrE), movie theater (AmE) – kino
- go* to the cinema (BrE)/movies (AmE) – kinos käima, kinno minema
- theatre (BrE), theater (AmE) – teater
- go* to the theatre (BrE)/theater (AmE) – teatris käima, teatrisse minema
- be* released – välja tulema
- performance – esitus, esinemine
- role, part – roll, osa
- plot – süžee
- line – repliik
- gesture – žest, liigutus
- costume – kostüüm
- wig – parukas
- script – stsenaarium
- scene – stseen
- act – vaatus
- set, scenery – lava(kujundus)
- flop – läbikukkunud film, etendus vms
- box-office hit, blockbuster – ülimenukas film, etendus vms; kassahitt
- spoiler – spoiler, tujurikkuja
- trailer – treiler, filmi eelreklaam
- slow motion – aegluup
- subtitles – subtiitrid
- sound effects – heliefektid
- special effects – eriefektid
- soundtrack – filmimuusika, heliriba
- setting – tegevuspaik
- (dress) rehearsal – (pea)proov
- audience – publik, pealtvaatajad
- seat – istekoht
- row – rida
- aisle – vahekäik
- stage – lava
- backstage – lavatagune; lava taga
- screen – ekraan
- interval (BrE), intermission (AmE) – vaheaeg
- rehearse – harjutama, proovi tegema
- perform – esinema, esitama
- act, play a role – näitlema, rolli mängima
- star (in) – peaosa mängima
- film, make* a film, shoot* a film – filmima, filmi tegema
- edit – toimetama, redigeerima
- review – arvustus; arvustama
- book a seat/ticket – istekohta/piletit broneerima, kinni panema
- film (BrE), movie (AmE) – film
- play – näidend
Let’s Practise!
- It’s a group of people watching a film, play, etc.
- It’s the music of a film.
- It’s a series of short clips from a film that advertise it.
- It’s a written text of a film, play, etc.
- It’s a short pause between the parts of a film, play, etc.
- It’s a long, narrow space between rows of seats in a cinema, theatre, etc.
- It’s a very successful film or show.
- [ˈsɪnəmɑː] –
- [rəˈhɜːs] –
- [ˈkɒstʃuːm] –
- [ˈsetɪŋ] –
- [ˈspɔɪlə(r)] –
- [steɪdʒ] –
- [rəʊl] –
- [ˈdʒestʃə(r)] –
- [rɪˈvjuː] –
- [siːn] –
- [ˈθɪətə(r)] –
- [ˈsiːn(ə)ri] –
Exercise 4
The br I went to see last week was quite cool. The cs were really colourful, and the ae at the cinema was silent all through the film. The sg was in the US in the 1990s, and the cs said it was the best thing ever done. I liked the ss with a lot of slow mn the best because I could see all the gs in detail. I bet the actors had been rg those scenes forever! I won’t even talk about the sk, which was great because they had used the best musicians for it. All in all, it was a super cinema experience!

Time to Talk
Pairwork 1
Which do you like more and why? Choose and discuss with your partner in English.
I like theatre more than cinema because everything is performed live. I think it’s more exciting!
So do I. I also like ...
Pairwork 2
Imagine that you are a famous actor, while your partner tries to guess who you are by asking you questions. You can only answer with yes or no.
Are you a man?
Do you live in Estonia?
Now You!
• When did you go to the theatre?
• Who did you go there with?
• What kind of play did you see?
• What was this play about?
• What did you particularly like about this play?
• Who would you recommend this play to? Why?

How Am I Doing?
I can name different nouns related to cinema and theatre. | |
I can name different verbs related to cinema and theatre. | |
I can describe one of my theatrical experiences. |